Monday, May 28, 2007

Time for an update?

Hello... Has it really been 6 months since I last blogged?? Time flies.

To tell you a little bit about my life in the last 6 months I'll begin... here. After my what-to-study-crisis in the fall I decided to finish my semester in the Spanish department and then change once more, this time to studying English. Christmas then came and went, no snow but bloody fucking freezing, Iceland in a nutshell. Christmas is still always a special time and I spent it with my family and friends, doing as little as humanly possible except eating, drinking, playing cards and reading.
January came with all its darkness and so did a new semester. I started in the English department and finally found a subject that I loved... at least for the time being! I studied American literature, American culture and history, history of the English language and English grammar. Everything very interesting and I finished my exams 11th May with good results. A very happy ending of my crisis, this time.
February... I must have been asleep. I remember it being dark, dark, cold, dark and cold. I remember me trying to hold on for dear life in all the darkness and the cold. I must have managed ok.
March... What is there to say? Started working a bit more, found that I had too little to do so I worked two shifts a week instead of one in the old peoples home... 40% work and 100% study... Finally I had enough to do. In March my tiny little choir which me and my 8 friends sing in started rehearsing for real and we set a date for our concert, 3 June... A week to go and we still have oh so many things to do!
April. Easter break came. I had big plans for reading, reading and of course reading because of my laziness earlier in the term. Didn't go as planned, I mostly worked, ate chocolate and was extremely lazy. My sister turned seventeen and is as cute as ever. In the end of April I started my exams and they went better than I had expected.
May came and spring with it. The beginning of May was very nice, sunny and a bit warm. Leaves started appearing on the trees and the people started loosing their grey colour and putting a smile on their faces. I finished my exams, took a week off and started working last monday in Reykjavík Whale Watching. It's a nice job (except when people get seasick and throw up of course...) and I hope I'll see some familiar faces in the whale watching tours this summer... Not throwing up! Maybe from Ry?? ;) I have been on board on a few tours now and just yesterday the weather was so beautiful and we saw lots of whales, it was fantastic.

These are the things I remember from my school and working life at the moment. I also remember having travelled a little bit around Iceland, getting drunk maybe too many times, buying a ticket for Roskilde festival (see you there??), laughing a lot with my fantastic friends and planning a trip to Italy with my mum in the end of August.

So the summer has many great things here in Iceland and great potential this year. The darkness, and actually the night, has left us alltogether for the next 2 and a half months and there is daylight 24 hours a day. The last few days have brought us horrible weather, with snow for example, but now we finally feel summer creeping in on us and it feels fantastic. 8 months of cold, darkness and depression are over, in the summertime Iceland comes alive and it feels like we don't actually need to sleep, only enjoy the light and the beauty of life and our country.

Saying that, I really hope some of you will show your pretty faces in Iceland soon. I can't wait to show someone what it's all about!

So how has your life been??

From a hike me and 3 of my friends took to the highest waterfall in Iceland, Glymur, in september 2006. It was a beautiful day and this hike is always fantastic.

Önundur, Ásdís and Una on our hike. These cliffs were so beautiful.

Traditional Icelandic food includes burned sheep heads. This we had for dinner at my house in February or March, in a traditional Icelandic spirit.

My brother Tómas likes food alot. Especially traditional Icelandic food. He was therefore glad when mum called him and asked him for dinner for "svið", the sheep heads. I didn't eat as much of them as he did, although it's always fun to taste them. My grandmother always ate the eyes as well.
Last saturday I came home from work at the Whale Watching, and ate whale for dinner... Not kidding ;)

Have you forgotten what I look like?? Here is a picture of me and my friend Una at a party in the English department in March. The dark hair is actually gone now, kind of just went away without me doing anything special... Too bad. Now I'm my old blonde again.


Blogger Dashiell said...

The traditional icelandic food is nasty...

3:35 AM  

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